Our story of how we came to be...

  Hello & welcome to my site.  My name is Sarah. I live in the beautiful Pacific NW with my husband Paul & our two beautiful kids, Braxton & Sarita.  These two kids are adopted.   Little did I realize how my life was about to change when I met my husband. We met online in early 2000 and met in person about 6 months later. Braxton was 5 months old then. Paul had physical custody of him. Paul is the biological grandfather of both kids.   At that time, Braxton was a victim of shaken baby. He was shaken by both bio parents. I started dating Paul and was helping with Braxton. What a handsome little guy he was.    Braxton was actually a ward of the state and Paul had no intention of adopting him and raising him by himself.  He already raised his two boys, after their mom died when they were very young.   In July of 2001, Paul got tired of the state trying to shift Braxton around and decided he was going to keep him. I told him, he was not going to adopt him without me. We adopted Braxton in December  2001 and we then married on 3/29/2003.  Sarita was born on january 30, 2005 to Paul's son and his new wife.  Because of what happened to Braxton, the state asked us to take her. Even though my leg was in a cast, we said "YES!" and brought her home. In the end we adopted her in November 2008...What a beautiful little girl. Her little fingers were long and skinny, reminding me of spiders as her fluids had not yet filled her skin. She was so very tiny.   Little Braxton did not know what to think. However; when he saw all of her stuff, he took her diaper bag and car seat and set it all outside on the front porch. I gently worked with him, asking him to help me by getting me her diapers, etc. This really helped him to accept her. He really loved feeding her.    In 2007, we bought another home that was bigger and rented the home on the hill. Thus began our family life in the country.

"They saw a child in a world of his own.. I see the brightest ray of sunshine.They saw a child who may never speak.. I see a gift in which there are no words.They saw a child with limited possibility.. I see a child, my child who can soar past the heavens."

Much has happened since the first adoption.  Braxton started into the Birth to Three Program at the age of 6 months old. He was also diagnosed with Autism in 2004. We will never know whether He would have been diagnosed with Autism without being shaken or not. This fact caused us much pain. Like other parents, we went through denial and blame. It took a few years to just figure out that it did not matter. What mattered was that he had certain symptoms that needed treatment.   Braxton  currently is in 3rd grade and special education classroom.  He is very active and loves to jump on the trampoline, ride on his scooter, play with trains, read books and look at videos . He plays with Sarita and loves pulling her around in the wagon. Braxton is very bright and figures things out. He loves to tease and has a good sense of humor. He always has a brilliant smile. He likes music and art. At school, he likes to do the recycling. He also likes to help me cook. He has learned to set a beautiful table with complete set of silverware in the proper place. When eating at grandma's house, after dinner, he serves the dessert to everyone, before getting his own.  My little 'gift' spoke his first word after he turned 7 years old. Recently, I heard "I love you" for the first time. He still has a long ways to go in speech, but is learning. We are still working with some self help needs as well as toileting. He is making much progress. He read me a story when he turned 8 years old.

My Sweet Princess...

   What a joy my daughter has been. She is so talented with songs, dance and music. She has an incredible imagination. Her bubbling enthusiasm is so refreshing. She is always encouraging others and does the same with Braxton. She too, loves trampoline and swinging. She loves playing with Braxton and has been so instrumental in teaching him to play. She is such a help around the house. She has imaginary wings on her back for she is like a little butterfly flitting around. I love how she cares for others...Her favorite thing is that when she grows up..she is going to be a boy1...Well, that is what she says for now. She thinks if she is a boy, she will be able to ride the motorcycle.  What a princess!

My Life Was Changed ...

   Life for me as an adoptive mom and having special needs kids has been full of rewards. It has been an amazing adventure and so full of wonder. Wonder at wondering why God chose me to be the mom to these two awesome kids. Wonder at how I feel so close to them as if I had given birth to them. ..I certainly do not take little milestones for granted. It is amazing at how excited I get at each little accomplishment that is done. The first clap, kiss, word, hug, etc. are so exciting. The first time a sippee cup is held, the first step, the first time a child cries because you leave, are forever etched in my mind. ...Mainly, I love the lessons learned. I am so much more patient. I no longer make rude comments under my breath at how "Those parents need to spank that kid, or give an attitude adjustment." ..I no longer chalk up tantrums as 'bad' parenting. ..I am less judging now. ..You never know what is going on underneath, no matter how 'normal' a child looks...I am so grateful and blessed to have a husband that helps me with the kids. A husband who pitches in with the housework and does not judge me for what I don't get done during the day. ..You see, I have much to be thankful for. God has been with me each step of the way..

What I Hope...      

By creating this site, I hope to educate people on special needs, especially Autism.  I hope to inspire others to get involved with children who are special needs and adopt a child or be a foster parent. ..Currently, I am involved with Mason County Foster Parents Association, dba "Where the heart is"  At  'Where The Heart is', we reach out to youth as well as the community. We support foster parents, adoption and kinship care as well as relative placement. We are currently involved in doing an Autism support group. We offer classes in various things. ...I am also a volunteer Parent Partner/ Advocate, in which I am a support to other parents trying to muddle through the mental health system and the schools with their special needs children....Lastly, I am a volunteer at the Crisis Clinic.  Many times I have been asked what I do in my spare time. Before the kids, I did oil paintings. With the kids, I turned to photography. Then I decided to go online and look for sites to display my photos and be creative with it. I started making greeting cards and also came up with some for Autism and special needs. The links to these are below in the LINKS section. I will be adding more stuff as time allows.    


Contact Me             Where The Heart Is        Greeting Cards      Prints & Photos                                                                                                                                                  
    EMail: [email protected]          FAMH