As I said before, I found many resources to help my son online. This page is for some of them. I want to share my most recent find with you.  This is something a mom like me created to help others. she to, has an autistic child. I have looked at her products and find them most helpful. If you are interested in ABA and cannot afford the therapist, she has something that will really help. Here is what she wrote :
Hi. My name is Danni. I have two beautiful little boys. My oldest son, Christian, has Autism. I’ve recently created a website to showcase some of the things we’re done to help our son along the way. If you or anyone you know is interested in starting an Autism Treatment Program or is already involved in a program, I may have some information that may help you. If you have a moment, please take a look at my website. Granted, it’s a work in progress, so please feel free to offer any suggestions or advice. Also let me know if there are some things you’d like to see included on my site. Best wishes to you and your loved one with special needs.

Danni Bloom
Columbia, SC

Danni Bloom
SugarPea Products for Autism
"Turn every opportunity into a learning opportunity."